Réseau en éducation juridique

In 2018, Éducaloi took the initiative to meet with partner organizations to learn more about their needs and challenges with regard to legal education in Quebec. These meetings brought together creators and users of legal education materials in order to develop, share and increase awareness of available tools, knowledge and resources. Such a network of committed partners is essential to ensuring that legal education receives the recognition and importance it merits in the legal community.

Éducaloi therefore organized the first such meeting in August 2019. It brought together some 10 organizations and institutions to establish a best practices committee on legal education in Quebec: Le réseau québécois en éducation juridique (the Quebec legal education network). A second meeting was held in November 2019 and made it possible to further define the needs to be met and to expand the network.

Here are the current members of the network:

  • ADAJ (accès au Droit et à la justice)

  • L’Assemblée nationale - Par ici la démocratie

  • L’association des juristes d’expression française de l’Ontario (AJEFO)

  • L’Institut de coopération pour l’éducation aux adultes (ICEA)

  • L’Office de la protection du consommateur (OPC)

Would your organization be interested in joining the network? If so, contact us for more information.