Workshops given by legal experts in your class
Our free, interactive and fun legal education workshops are run by volunteer legal experts all over Quebec and can be implemented in a regular class period. They prompt youth to reflect, challenge their ideas and take a stance on legal questions that are a part of their daily lives.
The law impacts our lives in many ways. This means that our workshops can be easily integrated in many places during curriculum planning.
Register or login to your account to request a workshop. It’s free!
- Our workshops are FREE! 9 topics, from secondary 1 to 5 and 16- to 21-year olds
- Average length: one class period
- Number of participants: up to 40
- Materials: Teacher’s guide, student’s guide, equipment for PowerPoint presentation
- Filling requests depends on the availability of a volunteer in your area. Please allow at least three weeks to get matched with a volunteer.
Our high school workshops
Log in as an educator to make a request
Ready, Set, Invest!
Students step into the shoes of an investor to reflect on legal and ethical business practices before making investment decisions.

Pick Your Side!
Students take a position on issues that stimulate debate. They learn that the concept of justice evolves constantly.

Bullying: What's Your Opinion?
In this activity, students take a position on some of the legal aspects of bullying in schools.

Beat the Buzzer!
In this game, teams square off to answer questions about legal issues in the lives of 12-to-17-year-olds.

The Small Claims Court Is in Session!
Students stage a mock civil trial. They discover the various players involved and experience what a trial is like.

The Law: It’s Not Like in the Movies!
By staging a mock criminal trial, students discover the roles of various players in the Quebec justice system and the steps in a trial.

Our Conflict, Our Solution!
Going to court isn’t the only way to settle a conflict. In this workshop, students are introduced to mediation, which is an alternative method for preventing and settling disputes.

The Rules of the Game!
In this game show activity, students debate legal issues in the lives of young adults: work, housing, consumer rights and more.

Working: Not at all costs!
Students become aware of harassment in the workplace through a quiz and scenarios.