The Rules of the Game!
60 min.
Suggested level:
Secondary Cycle Two
Culture and Citizenship in Québec, Law, Adult Education, Financial Education, English Language Arts
Available mode(s):
In this game show activity, students debate legal issues affecting the lives of young adults: work, housing, consumer rights, the criminal justice system, and more.
Pedagogical objectives
- Increase students’ knowledge of legal topics
- Encourage reflection on the origins and fairness of certain laws
- Develop skills to identify the legal aspects of a situation
- Help students to react appropriately to a legal situation
- Provide resources for information and for assistance
Subjects and subject-specific competencies
Culture and Citizenship in Québec
Secondary IV
Cultural realities and compulsory main concepts: Justice and the law - Injustice, Legal and judicial institutions and Legal framework applicable to romantic and sexual life.
Compulsory specific concepts, and related topics and examples: Discrimination, Courts and legal recourse, Charter of Rights and Freedoms, Criminal Code and Civil Code, Sexual content.
- Competency 2: Reflects on ethical questions:
- Engages in dialogue:
- Takes into account points of view, feelings and experiences of others.
- Uses methods to support own ideas.
- Engages in dialogue:
Broad areas of learning
- Health and Well-being:
- Self-awareness and awareness of his/her basic need
- Citizenship and Community Life:
- Promotion of the rules of social conduct and democratic institutions
- Adoption of a culture of peace
Cross-curicular competencies
- Using information:
- Gathering information
- Using information
- Exercising critical judgment:
- Forming and expressing an opinion while understanding the opinions of others
- Using creative thinking:
- Becoming familiar with all the elements of a situation
Related content
- Éducaloi’s article on the laws of Quebec and Canada
- Several articles and web guides in the Youth section of Éducaloi’s website on the various branches of the legal system and different legal careers
External pedagogical ressources
- Website of the Office de la protection du consommateur (consumer production office): Teacher Zone offering several pedagogical activities
- Website of the Commission des droits de la personne et des droits de la jeunesse (human rights and youth rights commission): teaching materials
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